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RCP Advisors Announces Launch of New Website and Brand

RCP Advisors, a private equity investment firm that provides access to North American small buyout fund managers through primary funds, secondary funds, and co-investment funds, is pleased to announce the launch of our new website and refreshed brand identity. We aimed to create a clean, modern, yet sophisticated design highlighting our singular focus, expertise, and values.

Our new website, designed with our users in mind, is a comprehensive platform that provides easy access to RCP Advisors’ strategies, news, insights, and research library. It also offers portal links for existing and potential clients, enhancing their experience and making navigating our site more accessible. The new website can be explored at

We believe we have created a look which revitalizes and elevates our brand, providing a better reflection of who we are as we expand RCP Advisors’ presence and continue to position ourselves as a thought leader and partner in the small buyout market space.

Charlie Huebner, Managing Partner at RCP Advisors

RCP Advisors remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting small company buyout managers, fostering meaningful partnerships, and generating consistent, strong returns for our investors. We sincerely appreciate the support we have received thus far and eagerly look forward to the future.

Read the full press release

About RCP Advisors

Founded in 2001, RCP Advisors, a subsidiary of P10, Inc. (NYSE: PX), is a private equity investment firm that provides access to North American small buyout fund managers through primary funds, secondary funds, and co-investment funds, as well as customized solutions and research services. RCP believes it is one of the largest fund sponsors focused on this niche, with ~$14 billion in committed capital* and 56 full-time professionals as of June 26, 2024.